Related Party Transactions
Common and recurring transactions of asset, service and liability transfer between TTNET A.Ş. and Türk Telekom in 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2022 financial year exceeded 10% of the reported sales revenue of Türk Telekom as stated under its 2022 year-end financial tables and are projected to exceed the 10% level in 2023. These transactions are considered to be made in fair, reasonable and suitable manner in arm's length prices when considered the positive discrimination applied to the operators excluding TTNET A.Ş. through current pricing regulations.
There are no other asset, service and liability transfer transactions that exceed the determined threshold with other related parties and there is no expectation of transactions in such scale to be undertaken in 2023.
In addition, there is no non-recurring asset, service and liability transfers which reached or exceeded or are projected to reach or exceed 5% of the publicly announced sales revenue, total assets or adjusted daily weighted average market capitalization for the 6 months period prior to the related Board Resolution date, as defined by the Article 9 of the Communique.