Ownership Structure

Türk Telekom Group is Türkiye's world-class, first and largest integrated telecom operator offering its customers the complete range of mobile, broadband, data, TV and fixed voice services as well as innovative convergence technologies.
Türk Telekom privatized in 2005 and IPO'ed in 2008, underwent a successful transformation resulting in increased efficiency and enlarged scope of services. 60% of Türk Telekom shares belongs to Türkiye Wealth Fund, 25% belongs to Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance. The remaining 15% is publicly traded. Türk Telekom shares are listed in Borsa Istanbul (BIST) since May 2008.
Note: Türkiye Wealth Fund has 1.68% share in free float.
Note: There are no natural or legal persons whose shareholding exceeds 5% except those shown in the shareholder structure.
Information on Share Groups and Privileged Shares are provided at Articles of Association. Click for related page.
Note: The Türk Telekom Shareholders' Agreement and the Articles of Association further state that the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance owns a "golden share" (Class C share). The "golden share" is required under the Telephone Law and provides that, in order to protect Türkiye's national interests relating to national security and the economy, the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance approval is required for the following matters:
- Any proposed amendments to the Articles of Association;
- The transfer of any of the Company's registered shares (i.e., the Class A shares) which would result in a change in management control;
- The registration of any transfer of the Company's registered shares in the shareholder ledger.